
Friday, June 5, 2015

Once again we are almost there.

On Tuesday we motored in th ICW. When we checked the motor no salt. On Wednesday we motored sailed on th Atlantic Ocean and there was lots of salt and salt water everywhere. Yesterday we used the ICW to get to Isle of Hope Marina, no salt. Today we got up at 6:00 AM and got to Hinckley by 7:45. Three people where waiting for us.

They got on board agreed that water was coming in the bilge hose and decided to fix it. As one gentleman was working on the check valves and loops showed below. The other fixed our generator, which had stopped working. It is 2:30 and they are putting everything back together. I will pay the bill and we will be off.

If all goes as planned and we do not have a plan, we will be in Chareston tomorrow. I will post this when we are actually off the dock.

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